Tracey Emin's Unmade Bed Up For Auction

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 27 Mei 2014 | 23.17

Tracey Emin's controversial artwork, My Bed, has been put up for sale by collector Charles Saatchi.

The notorious installation, which includes empty vodka bottles, cigarette butts, stained sheets and used underwear, is estimated to sell for between £800,000 and £1.2m.

My Bed, which the artist claimed was the result of a bad break-up, divided critics in 1999 when it was shortlisted for the Turner Prize.

Emin, then known as one of the Young British Artists (YBAs), lost out to the now Oscar-winning director Steve McQueen but has become one of the nation's most famous artists.

Tracey Emin Opens The New Turner Contemporary Gallery In Margate Exhibitions of Emin's work attract huge numbers of visitors

The 50-year-old told The Daily Telegraph the sale feels "like the end of an era. Saatchi's had this Nineties thing in his house like a time capsule. Now it's historical".

Saatchi, who bought the work for £150,000 in 2000, is clearing out 50 of his largest installations and sculptures. My Bed is going on sale with Christies in London.

In 2010 Saatchi offered to donate the best of his private collection, including My Bed and worth around £30m, to the nation for free.

However, his offer was withdrawn when the Arts Council reportedly said it wanted to pick and choose which pieces it would put on display.

Proceeds made from this sale are expected to go towards maintaining the Saatchi Gallery's free admission and education policy.

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